Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Break!

It was so nice to have 10 days off for spring break!  Although the weather was not typical, (it felt more like winter break) we still had a great time.

We kicked off the week by heading down to Atlanta to see our best lady friends. We got to swim in the fancy pool at Georgia Tech, experience a cool thunderstorm, watch a few movies, and take our usual trip at Ikea.  Even "Hot-lanta" was not so hot, as we spent every moment indoors this time.

Our homecoming was greeted with 3 days in the in 30's with cold rain and snow. All three days were declared as pajama days.  We had a grand time lounging around, starting new crafts, and just enjoying days with no agenda.

There was finally a thaw in the second half of spring break and we gravitated outside.  We took a trip with some friends to Elijah Mountain Gem Mine. The kids LOVED it!  It was a great time for different ages & genders- the oldest being Garrett, a 5th grader and the youngest being Mya.  Everything was fun from the tacky décor to the actual mining itself!
Of course we wrapped up the week with our Annual Egg Hunt at our community park on Saturday.  This is one of my favorite traditions.
Easter was spent with our extended family across the street as they hosted their annual Spring Brunch & Egg Hunt.


Way too much candy and so much fun!  This gives us a glimpse of what's to come as we shift from our cozy slacking pajama days to spending our days outside.



  1. you guys have such fun adventures! happy late easter to you :)

  2. Thanks Alicia! I love reading about your adventures and I am so excited about your new little one on the way :)
