I definitely enjoy the sewing ideas, recipes, and kids' crafts. I really wanted to do some kids' activities since we always seem to have a plethora of both around here: kids and activities. The activities part is not so structured. Hmm...as I'm typing this, I'm thinking maybe the kid part isn't so structured either.
So one day when I had a few kids over after school, I decided to structure most of the play date around these activities. Here's what went down on that Wednesday afternoon:
I found this nifty game for the sweet kindergarten girls that gathered around the table. It was played with dice and crayons. We focused on probability and prediction since these geniuses are way beyond number recognition.
The girls enjoyed it and they played it several times.
Meanwhile I had my beyond brilliant 2nd grade gang in the other room playing a math game. It was to be for (again) number recognition at the preschool level, but I modified it for the kids to fish out 3 numbers and add them together. The highest number wins the round.
The game was simply made of magnetic numbers, straws, twine, and paper clips. They had fun, but got a little competitive...overachievers.
Then all the kids got together and tried that popular project, the one with the dollar store mugs and sharpies? They had a great time creating their bowls.
I baked them for the 30 minutes at 350 as instructed. The project was a bust, luckily the kids didn't find out until after they left the household ;) After washing the bowls out, the sharpie wore right off. I wish the ink came out of their clothes that easily!
So, I'm glad I tried a few projects. I learned that maybe there will be hits and misses, such as life. No guarantees that it will work out. I will stick to the ideas that cost little or no money, especially when there's a gang of kids around here.
Although I was hoping the kids to behave like this:
Their behavior inevitably returned to this:
Structured or unstructured activities, I guess that's just how we roll around here :)