Monday, November 11, 2013

Felt & Other Fun Fibers

The best thing I heard all day was Marlee stating she considers late fall the start of "sewing season".

Lately, it's just the three of us girls home together after dinner. Things are quite low key for us at 7pm this time of year. A month ago there were random kids running through the yards or we were going on post dinner hikes or bike rides. We have been setting aside roughly an hour a few days a week to craft together.

Since I visited Maine a few summers back, I've had a great interest in wool. We stayed with folks who sheared their sheep, dyed the wool with plant based color, and spun their yarn. As I watched this process, I loved the awareness it gave me. Kind of like the farm to table awareness, I am now constantly wondering where all these finished projects originated. 

My goal for the upcoming months is to work with wool often. I have many cute projects in mind and I also want to learn as much I can about sustainable products.  The girls have quite a few awesome projects and gifts in mind with felt. Maybe I'll write a blog series about it. I thought of "Felt Up" but maybe I may attract a crowd other than crafters ;)

Anyway, here's some finished, half finished, and some neat ideas:

1 comment:

  1. I think "felt up" is a great name :) hahaha! I love that your girlies are just sewing away. So fun! Hope you're warm and snuggly tonight on this blustery night!!
